After presenting my Twitterive in class I received a lot of valuable feedback that I will be sure to include within my second draft.  I was a little timid to present my Twitterive at first because a lot of my classmates had very personal topics.  Mine however; although it was still personal to me, it made it easier to share because I knew I would be able to get through it.
                What I am going to do first when I am revising is that I will be making it more about me and making it more about how I have evolved into a Thai fighter.  I need to give a little bit more background about how and why I decided to travel around the world for this experience.  I also need to organize the time of events when they happened during my trip to make it a lot easier for the viewer to follow. 

Who:  The character in my story mostly involves me and there are a few little things about my boyfriend that I have included as well.

What:  My Twitterive is about how I started Muay Thai and how it brought me to one of the best experiences of my life.  It brought me across the world to Phuket Thailand where I got the opportunity to train Muay Thai for two weeks with some of the greatest Thai fighters.

When: January 2011

Where:  My Twitterive takes place in Phuket Thailand with a few flashbacks of the long flight.

Why:  Thailand is a place where I would love to go back to.  I have traveled many of times before but nothing was even comparable to this trip. It wasn’t a vacation where I sat on the beach with a drink with an umbrella in it.  I was training Muay Thai 2 times a day for 2 hours at a time in the hot, humid tropics.

How:  I was my audience to get a slight taste of how it was for me for the two weeks that I spent in Phuket.  I want them to be able to see how absolutely beautiful the country was and also how much Muay Thai has become a part of my life.

            My revision process for my Twitterive had a lot that I wanted to change or add.  I received a lot of great ideas from my partners as to what they think I should add or take out.  Once I started explaining what I wanted to get across with my Twitterive I was able to also come up with some other ideas on my own as to what I can do.  I know I want to include a video from YouTube that I personally think is an awesome video of a very skilled young girl.  I want to also include pictures of the Thai language and pictures of where I was training at so the people who are looking at my Twitterive get a better feel as to how it was when I was there.   I also want to change up some fonts and colors to make the important things stick out.  I need to add more genres and when we worked together in our groups revising our Twitterives I got some really good ideas, I want to make a postcard of some sort and include a picture that I took while I was there and make it into a postcard to use as another genre.