Who:  The character in my story mostly involves me and there are a few little things about my boyfriend that I have included as well.

What:  My Twitterive is about how I started Muay Thai and how it brought me to one of the best experiences of my life.  It brought me across the world to Phuket Thailand where I got the opportunity to train Muay Thai for two weeks with some of the greatest Thai fighters.

When: January 2011

Where:  My Twitterive takes place in Phuket Thailand with a few flashbacks of the long flight.

Why:  Thailand is a place where I would love to go back to.  I have traveled many of times before but nothing was even comparable to this trip. It wasn’t a vacation where I sat on the beach with a drink with an umbrella in it.  I was training Muay Thai 2 times a day for 2 hours at a time in the hot, humid tropics.

How:  I was my audience to get a slight taste of how it was for me for the two weeks that I spent in Phuket.  I want them to be able to see how absolutely beautiful the country was and also how much Muay Thai has become a part of my life.

            My revision process for my Twitterive had a lot that I wanted to change or add.  I received a lot of great ideas from my partners as to what they think I should add or take out.  Once I started explaining what I wanted to get across with my Twitterive I was able to also come up with some other ideas on my own as to what I can do.  I know I want to include a video from YouTube that I personally think is an awesome video of a very skilled young girl.  I want to also include pictures of the Thai language and pictures of where I was training at so the people who are looking at my Twitterive get a better feel as to how it was when I was there.   I also want to change up some fonts and colors to make the important things stick out.  I need to add more genres and when we worked together in our groups revising our Twitterives I got some really good ideas, I want to make a postcard of some sort and include a picture that I took while I was there and make it into a postcard to use as another genre.

     My writing process so far this semester I must admit, I am not too happy about. For some reason I have been waiting until the last minute to do my assignments, which definitely isn't my style. I am usually always on top of my school work.
                While trying to figure out my Twitterive project I found myself overwhelmed. I had no clue what I wanted to do. My classmates had all these great ideas and I found myself with an empty head and clueless. It was not until my Microfiction assignment where I found a spark. I reread my tweets and it made me see the place where I am the happiest (well besides my cozy bed) and that was training Muay Thai.  Twitter makes me get to the point with what I need to say due to the 160 character limit.
                 Writing with my eyes closed..... Not a fan at all. When we did this exercise in class, all I wanted to do was open my eyes and see what I was writing on my paper. For the purpose of the exercise I did however make sure I kept my eyes closed the entire duration of the activity because I was not sure what the point of it was.  After I opened my eyes, I realized that this was not an activity I could do, my writing was all on top of one another.  I could not read what I wrote.  When I look at it, it looks like a little kid just scribbled on a piece of paper with possibly a few letters.  I sometimes close my eyes to visualize what to write and how to write it to the point my audience will understand what point I am trying to get across.
In the following post, you will find a 250 word microfiction. This is based on my workplace where I always seem to find myself in a pretty bad mood.

Take a guess where I am?
 cold, uncomfortable chair

People walking in and out.

Knock, knock, knock on the back door.

 “I have a few deliveries for you” shouts the UPS man.

I replied with an attitude, “Oh just great, more shoes I need to find room for!”

It’s all about a days’ work, no wait; it’s all about the tone people.


The following 250 word microfiction includes a line from Gloria Anzaldua's How to Tame a Wild Tongue

You can’t do this, I haven’t broken no law.

The officer placed the stumbling under aged female in the back of the police car.

“What do you mean you didn’t break any laws? How old are you? And what is the legal drinking age in the state of New Jersey? Said the police officer as he was running the females name checking to make sure she didn’t have any outstanding warrants.

“ Uhhh, well in New Jersey it is 21, but everywhere else in the world it is 18, so I would be okay.” Slurred the 19 year old.

“But that is the thing, you aren’t anywhere else in the world, you are here in New Jersey where the drinking age is 21.  You should quit while you are ahead. We may be able to work something out because I know if I were you I would be more scared of my parents finding this out than anything.”

“Yes sir!” replied the girl.

This week I had to create my own poem/story including ten of my own tweets.  I must say this was pretty fun. I never thought I could write something with my tweets and have it make sense.  I decided to write about a girl (me) who tends to daydream and not pay attention to her teacher talking.  This story included some discussion between her teacher and also what is going on in her head as it is happening.

What is he talking about?
Ahh my head is killing me
Wait what, he almost burnt his face off?
Did I hear that right or is my head hurting that bad I am delirious
This shit is out of control
Tap, tap on the chalkboard
 Tiffany, pay attention
Move your seat near me, there’s an open spot
I have heard those words way too many times, bullshit if you ask me
I am paying attention and daydreaming wishing I was in Colorado snowboarding with all the snow they got.
Now that’s a skill you gotta learn teach
That’s it, go to the office
Works for me, I won’t be sitting in a classroom

​In the article by James Joyce “Dubliners” it seems very intimidating at first but not scary or dark, kind of like my strange place.  I would not consider it scary or dark, maybe a little cold because of the late night air from the door opening and closing, but it was somewhere I have never been before, and with people I just met a few weeks ago. It was very loud due to the live band and also the amount of people in the place but this was normal for these places on a Saturday night. I felt a little out of my comfort zone at first because everyone seemed to know each other but me. I think it was because I am not from the same area that they are, and they go there frequently.

lady talking way way too loud, cold air from door opening. #strangeplace #twitterive

Surprisingly clean bathroom, drinks in cups & bottles, basketball on tv #strangeplace #twitterive

Loud music, people talking and laughing, sticky floor #twitterive

            For me, in the thought of them will always be the sense of the joyful sunrise with which I found them—the sense that came suddenly to me then that the world is blessed beyond my understanding, more abundantly than I will ever know.  This line made me think of where my native place would be, no place better than my room.  It gives me a place of better understanding, and also a lot of confusion at times.  My room is where I feel at peace from a lot of things. I am in private and I have a lot of memories in my room, whether it be pictures of my friends, or the smell of my favorite candle.  I have had many sleepovers with friends in my room, some, maybe not as welcomed as I had wished, but what can I say my parents’ bedroom is on the other end of the house.  One of my windows overlooks the street; I can always see who is pulling up and who is driving by.  I now get to hear the sound of my younger brother’s loud exhaust that he received for Christmas whenever he pulls up, I get the great awakening whenever he pulls up at 3am from wherever he was, but at least I know he made it home that night.

Cup half full of oj, sound of police & fire scanner from downstairs, basket of clean clothes- need to be folded #nativeplace #twitterive

Sound of clock ticking per second, papers scattered across the floor, so many memories #nativeplace #twitterive

Cozy bed, pictures of family and friends, smell of vanilla cupcake candle, sunlight shining in window #nativeplace #twitterive