My writing process so far this semester I must admit, I am not too happy about. For some reason I have been waiting until the last minute to do my assignments, which definitely isn't my style. I am usually always on top of my school work.
                While trying to figure out my Twitterive project I found myself overwhelmed. I had no clue what I wanted to do. My classmates had all these great ideas and I found myself with an empty head and clueless. It was not until my Microfiction assignment where I found a spark. I reread my tweets and it made me see the place where I am the happiest (well besides my cozy bed) and that was training Muay Thai.  Twitter makes me get to the point with what I need to say due to the 160 character limit.
                 Writing with my eyes closed..... Not a fan at all. When we did this exercise in class, all I wanted to do was open my eyes and see what I was writing on my paper. For the purpose of the exercise I did however make sure I kept my eyes closed the entire duration of the activity because I was not sure what the point of it was.  After I opened my eyes, I realized that this was not an activity I could do, my writing was all on top of one another.  I could not read what I wrote.  When I look at it, it looks like a little kid just scribbled on a piece of paper with possibly a few letters.  I sometimes close my eyes to visualize what to write and how to write it to the point my audience will understand what point I am trying to get across.